Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Tips Eliminate Stress at Work

  • Consumption of Foods 
Eat nutritious foods that your body's nutritional needs are met. Adequate nutrition, making the body healthier, fitter and more energized. Get used to eating vegetables and fruits.
  • Relax and Rest Enough
Although a lot of your work, when at rest, use the best time for a break. Whenever possible, use a break of at least 10 minutes. That way, the body will re-fit.
  • Do not Complain Much
If too much complaining, will make the mind more and more depressed and did not finish the job. Find it positive that can be taken, such as the job was as a means of learning and experience.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Content of Red Beans

Red beans useful for the range of diseases, such as reducing damage to blood vessels, reducing blood glucose concentrations, lower the risk of colon cancer, lowering blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of breast cancer.

The nutrients contained in the beans is good for maintaining a healthy body. Dry beans are the source of vegetable protein, fiber, folasin, colplex carbohydrates, B vitamins, thiamine, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

Folasin are essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of damage to blood vessels.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012



Asthma is a symptom caused by abnormalities of the airways in the form of heightened sensitivity to stimuli from the environment.

Things that can cause asthma

  • Fatigue physical
  • Exhaustion of mind (emotional distress)
  • Respiratory tract infections, especially influenza disease specific
  • Changes in the environment (weather, temperature, humidity, smoke, fumes of motor vehicles and the sharp smell)
  • Allergic reactions from food or inhaled material (ex. dust).

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Benefits of Garlic

Eating garlic regularly in a certain period of time, helps lower cholesterol levels. Anti-cholesterol agent in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clots.

Dr. Gilles Fillion from the Institute Pasteur, France, suspect that garlic can help relieve stress, depression and anxiety. Garlic is useful to help release serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical involved in mood regulation and a series of behaviors, including the depressed, sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety, pain and aggression. High levels of serotonin in the brain, serves as a sedative, ease sleep and relieve depression. Garlic helps normalize the serotnin system.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Benefits of Chocolate

Many people use chocolate as a gift for a loved one. Because the chocolate is considered as the food of love. This is because the texture of the chocolate so smooth. Brown also provides comfortable and relaxing effect.

            After eating the chocolate, there will be a sense of comfort. Not just a feeling, but it's chocolate contains a substance that enables hundreds of chemical reactions in the brain. These active substances that stimulate serotonin in the brain, triggering the next one's feeling of comfort. Most substances are contained in chocolate is theobromine, can stimulate the nerves and heart and spirit that makes awake. This effect can be obtained from the caffeine in coffee or tea. Another benefit of theobromine is to relieve cough.

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

8 Benefits of Cycling

Cycling is very important, in order to reduce air pollution and health at this time. With cycling, too, we can reduce global warming. Cycling can strengthen the calves, thighs and hips. With cycling, can burn as many calories as 300-700 calories per hour. For those of you who want to lose weight, cycling is one solution. Cycling can also increase lung volume by 50%, so it can hold more oxygen.

With regular cycling is a sport that is recommended for patients with obesity. Because cycling is easier than with sports such as jumping or running. With running or jumping, can cause major foot injury, because the legs have to bear the weight of obese people who are very heavy. Cycling is also suitable for people with heart disease.

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Herbal Medicine to Treat Coughs

 Coughing is the body's defense mechanisms of the respiratory tract clean of dust coming from the nose or other foreign objects. Thus, the cough is not a disease but a symptom of the disease.

Coughs can be treated with medicines that contain cough expectorant or antitussive or of a prescription from a doctor, but contain many side effects. For those of you who want to treat cough in addition to drugs, there are other ways a more natural and fewer side effects to using herbal medicines.

The problem is, not many data related to the mechanism of herbal medicine to treat coughs. There are some plants that can treat a cough is traditionally or through scientific research. Some medicinal plants that can treat coughs as follows.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Healthy Chocolate Types

In the market, many kinds of chocolate are available. Starting from a very expensive, moderate and very inexpensive. But with these prices, there must be a difference. Here are some of the types and benefits.

Milk Chocolate

Milk Chocolate is cocoa mixed with milk and sugar. This type of chocolate is very popular, because it tastes more delicious.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


The initial symptoms of the flu is cold. The virus that attacks the respiratory system can cause flu or influenza. The virus enters the body of living things, and then multiply in the body. The virus is transmitted through the liquid from the mucus granules are expelled when someone sneezes, speaks or coughs. The virus quickly spread when the liquid is out. Air as a medium for spreading viruses. When you inhale it in condition of the body that are not so healthy, it can make you immediately with the flu. That's what causes the spread of flu easily.

            Another way is the current spread of avian flu sufferers hold your nose or mouth. The virus moved into the hands of the patient. When the patient is holding an object such as a table. When the patient holds the edge of the table, the virus moved from the hands of the patient to the edge of the table. You accidentally hold the edge of the table. Then, you do not accidentally, you hold your nose or mouth. The virus can get into your body and cause you to get the flu in time unhealthy condition of your body.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Importance of Hand Washing

How easy it is to move germs from one person to another. For example, a flu sufferer shut his nose when sneezing. After that holds the handle on the bus, then you hold the handle by mistake or you do not know that the handle has been held by people with flu earlier. When you hold the handle, the bacteria move immediately into the hands of flu and if you hold your mouth or nose, flu germs or bacteria that get into your body.

Worms, Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI), tuberculosis, diarrhea, and even the deadly bird flu (H5N1), swine flu (H1N1) and SARS can be prevented by washing hands properly. Many people underestimate the habit of washing their hands and consider it important. Indeed, hand washing is seen as a trivial thing, but to get used to wash hands properly, your life and your family can be healthier.

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

5 Ways to Reduce Negative Effects after Goat Meat

 Assorted food preparations of meat goats in great demand, especially the men. Eating goat meat has a positive effect and negative effect. Positive effects, goat meat can increase the strength of a grown man. While the negative effects, can raise blood pressure and increase body fat, especially if the person has a history of hypertension. Rise in blood pressure after eating goat meat, goat meat has caused a very high calorie. For example, if the goat meat processed into satay, caloric value of 150 calories. If processed into curry, caloric value of 125 calories and when processed into soups, caloric value of only 35 calories.

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Benefits of Drinking Milk

Dairy beverage known as reinforcement of bones and teeth, because of its calcium content. Actually, a lot of nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin D, amino acids, zinc, pantothenic acid and phosphorus. Nutrient content is very useful for maintaining a healthy body condition.

Although it has many benefits, many people do not want to drink milk. By reason of the high price of milk. Actually a lot of milk at a low price now. With so many nutrients contained in milk, to instill awareness of the benefits of milk. That way, people would not consider consuming milk and milk as the expensive stuff.

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

8 How To Make you sleep better

With sleep, your body repair damaged cells, as well as your mind becomes calm. When lack of sleep, will make you tired, emotionally unstable and weak concentration. Many people who have trouble sleeping at night. Although it has been stretched out on the bed, but could not shut the eyes, also do not feel sleepy. Here are some tips that can make you sleep more soundly tonight.

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Cramps How to Cope

Cramps can be experienced by anyone and anywhere on the body. But most experienced cramps in the legs. Cramps that occur suddenly due to one or more muscle and even a few seconds to several minutes. This condition is most commonly caused by muscle spasms. In addition, there are also caused by dehydration, uneven circulation of mineral or other problems.

Leg is the part that is often attacked by cramps. Due to the support leg body weight, so prone to excess pressure. There are several things you can do to cope with cramps and create better conditions, as follows.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

10 Ways to Maximize Benefits of Juice

 In order to obtain the maximum benefits of the juice, the juice processing is necessary and the time is right to drink juice. If these things are ignored, it will make the value or benefit for the body is reduced juice. So that the benefits are so much juice is wasted, here are 10 ways to maximize the benefits of the juice to be useful for health.

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Ulcer Healing Tips

If you have stomach ulcers or stomach illness that interferes with your daily activities. Sure you ask, is there any tips you can do with a comfortable and safe for people with ulcers?
According to a Hembing, an herbal expert. There are several ways you can do. The steps that can be done to prevent stomach ulcers as follows.

  • Avoid foods that irritate the stomach, such as sour, spicy, caffeine, alcohol, aspirin, and smoking. Consumption of soft foods / soft or chewing food 36 times. Try to defecate on a regular basis. Never too late to eat or eat too much, eat little but often.

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

5 Things to Avoid while drinking tea

 With tea, we'll get the benefits of drinking tea, among others, as antioxidants, smoothing the skin, prevent cancer and others. There also should be noted at the time of tea for a useful substance in the body is not lost. Here are five things to avoid when drinking tea.

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

3 Main Benefits of Papaya Fruit

         Papaya plants suitable to grow in parts of Indonesia, because Indonesia is supporting geography. Papaya plants can be planted in the garden or in the yard. Papaya fruit is very sweet and fresh taste when enjoyed immediately when the fruit is cooked or prepared as dishes, it also saves a lot of papaya fruit is good for the health benefits of our bodies, among others.

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

5 Diseases caused by smoking

 Smoking is one of the lifestyle of today's society. The number of smokers in developing countries is much greater when compared with developed countries. Now, smoking is not only done by adults, especially men, but also carried out by teenagers and even children, both boys and girls. In fact, smoking can damage your health. Many people who know the dangers of smoking, but many are ignoring the dangers of smoking.

More than 700 types of chemical additives which may be added to increase the enjoyment of smoking. Cigarette smoke contains 4000 chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, arsenic, acetone and others. Secondhand smoke will have a terrible impact when compared with active smokers, because of secondhand smoke will stir the 43 substances known to cause cancer.

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

11 Benefits of Bananas Need to Know

 Bananas are classified into 2 groups based on how eating the fruit, the first table and a second banana though. At the first class of the table bananas, bananas consumed in a state that is still fresh after a ripe banana, the types include banana milk, banana, banana thousand, and others. When bananas processed, consumed after bananas baked, boiled, fried or made compote. The types of processed fruits such as bananas cotton, horn banana, banana uli and others. Bananas can also be processed into various products such as cakes, or wine sale.

Banana nutrition contribute to higher than apples. Bananas can also provide energy reserves quickly if needed. Including the brain when experiencing fatigue. Snacks made from fruits like banana sale from Bandung, from Bogor molen bananas, banana chips from Lampung and Epe origin Makasar relatively popular.

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Benefits of Apples

Who is not familiar with the apple, the apple is one fruit that is loved by the whole people, both from the lower and upper classes. Apple has a sweet taste. Also there are different kinds of apples in the world. In addition, apples are rich in fiber, so it is often used in a diet program. In local production in Indonesia, many apples are in Malang that are well known. For the import of apples, apple is the famous Washington apples and Fuji apples.

When will eat an apple, you do not need to peel the skin first. Enough to wash apples thoroughly and then be eaten with the skin. Thus the fiber and nutrient content in apple fruit is not wasted, because the apples that you eat in a fresh condition. When will the apple store, you can just put it in the refrigerator, so the apples will last longer. Besides food, the apple can also be made into a drink or apple juice with a blender. With the blender, the juices contained in the apple fruit is intact and nothing is wasted. That way, the benefits can we get the apples to the fullest.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Teeth

An American dentist who worked at the University of Berlin named Willoughby Miller, found the cause of tooth decay. That the holes in the teeth caused by bacteria encounter with sugar. Process, the bacteria convert sugar from food into acids that the rest of the tooth becomes acidic environment, the environment should be a natural tooth is alkaline. This acid is finally making a small hole in the tooth enamel.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Smoking dangers

Smoking is currently the most widely loved by anyone, from children, adolescents and adults. Smoking is a lifestyle for men and women today. Smoking causes many diseases of respiratory problems to cancer. Although people who smoke are aware of the dangers of smoking, yet they continue to smoke every day.

Smokers in Indonesia was ranked third highest in the world. The number of smokers in developing countries more than developed countries. As a result of smoking will be felt in the long run.

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Symptoms of the disease by coughing

 Coughing is the body's reaction to remove foreign objects that enter the respiratory tract. The foreign body, may be dust and other foreign matter. Coughing is a normal reaction that serves to protect ourselves.

Coughing is spending roughly the air. Function of clearing the lungs of a hazardous substance when disturbed respiratory tract. Function can also clear the throat. However, coughing can lead to disease-causing germs.

Generally, we experience a cough when the seasons are mild cough due to colds or influenza symptoms. Mild cough can be cured, with adequate rest and take medication regularly or are sold in pharmacies until the cough subsided and healed.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

History of Chocolate

Cocoa trees are grown in the Orinoco basin, South America and the Amazon region for thousands of years ago. It was approved by the botanist. The first to cultivate cacao tree is Maya nation. Habit, and carried when moved to the mainland Mayan Yucatan. Later, the Aztecs introduced chocolate as a bitter beverage. By way of cocoa beans mixed with corn or grapes that are fermented, served in cups of gold. Aztec emperor, Montezuma, had a habit of drinking more than 50 cups of chocolate every day.

           Herman Cortez, the Spanish colonizers, attracted the gold cup at colonizing the area. Based on his observations, cocoa is also used as currency for the Aztecs. Then he set up some cocoa. These plantations are called golden brown and develop and the results are in vogue, so the cocoa trade in the Spanish control of the 18th century. Chocolate was introduced to Europe and made a cake mix ingredients.

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Importance of Breakfast

 Breakfast is very important. Because, for approximately 8 hours of sleep, no food into the body and digested. While in bed still do activities such as breathing and moving in need of energy. So the levels of sugar or energy in the body is declining. While the morning was the beginning of all the activities we will do. Such as school, work, walk, think, and others. All these activities require energy derived from the food we eat.

          By eating a healthy and nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruits, can make us full and get a lot of energy and vitamins, nutrients or nutrients needed by the body. That way, your body fit and active spirit. With breakfast, you do not feel hungry in living activity you are doing. With a healthy breakfast can help lower cholesterol levels.

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Beware of Eating Chocolate

 Many people like to choose the chocolate with the lure of low prices. One might think of buying branded chocolate but with a very low price. Though chocolate is such that only contain very little cocoa, which is 7% -20%. Also has a high sugar content which lead to diabetes, saturated fat, resulting in tooth decay or damaged and many other shortcomings.

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Sleep state of the Need to Know

 In sleep, we have two kinds of sleep state, ie quiet sleep and active sleep. When in a state of quiet sleep, the body having a quiet activity. Blood pressure, pulse and breathing is more calm and orderly move. In quiet sleep are the body's recovery process. Glands of the body, body composition and muscle repair. Also occur incorporation of proteins that will be used during active sleep and dispose of substances that are not useful from the body.

Quiet sleep

In quiet sleep, a person experiences four stages as follows.

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012


Disruption of brain function due to blood flow to the brain are impaired or diminished sense of stroke. Result of oxygen and nutrients the brain needs not being met. There are two kinds of causes of stroke. First, the presence of a ruptured blood vessel. Secondly, there is a blockage in blood vessels.

In general, the stroke suffered by people who are elderly. Due to the aging that causes blood vessels to narrow and harden. But recently, stroke has been increased. Stroke disease also occurs in adolescence and the age between 15-40 years. Commonly caused by the misuse of drugs, alcohol, stress, unhealthy lifestyles and hereditary factors.

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Easy Ways to Overcome Cramps

Cramps are muscle spasms that cause pain. Cramps often occur during sleep. But it could also be due to hard physical labor with little rest or during exercise without warming up. Cramps are also caused by the body to lose salt and fluids because a lot of sweat that comes out. Cramps can be cured by way stretch and massage the cramping muscle.

Calf cramps

The fix, people with straightened knees, feet pressed firmly but gently upwards towards the shin, then massage the muscle.

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