Cycling is very important, in
order to reduce air pollution and health at this time. With cycling, too, we
can reduce global warming. Cycling can strengthen the calves, thighs and hips.
With cycling, can burn as many calories as 300-700 calories per hour. For those
of you who want to lose weight, cycling is one solution. Cycling can also
increase lung volume by 50%, so it can hold more oxygen.
With regular cycling is a sport
that is recommended for patients with obesity. Because cycling is easier than
with sports such as jumping or running. With running or jumping, can cause
major foot injury, because the legs have to bear the weight of obese people who
are very heavy. Cycling is also suitable for people with heart disease.
Cycling is one way of relaxation,
so biking is one sport that is exciting and fun. With cycling, you can enjoy
the scenery with ease and clarity of thought.
Various models of bikes have now
been varied. For those of you who want to replace his old bike or buy a new
bike, here are some tips on buying a bike.
• Choose a bike that has a high saddle fit our height. Because, your foot
hits the ground it would be easier if you stop or a sudden event. Ideally,
high-level bike handlebar and saddle
• Saddle occupied and comfortable fit for your size.
To get the maximum
benefit in cycling and avoid injury, here are some tips to consider in cycling.
Check the brakes, make sure the brakes are in good working condition so as
not to jeopardize your safety in cycling.
Check tire bike, make sure the tire under normal conditions, not less wind
or leaking. So that when cycling, your travels smoothly.
Warm up for the stretch waist, thighs and calves. The goal is that the risk
of injury or muscle cramps can be avoided.
Use equipment such as bicycle helmets, elbow and
knee protectors, shoes, socks and gloves to minimize the risk in the event of
Start slowly so the muscles in cycling are not surprised as well as heating
and adjust to the bike.
Peddling pedal bicycles 1 full turn.
The recommended speed in cycling for health is 27 km / h.
After cycling, cool down, for example, pedaling slowly for 5-10 minutes.
reduce pollution, use a bicycle when you go places that will be reached by
bicycle. Cycling is a positive thing we need to do for your health as well save
the earth from global warming and pollution.
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