Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Importance of Hand Washing

How easy it is to move germs from one person to another. For example, a flu sufferer shut his nose when sneezing. After that holds the handle on the bus, then you hold the handle by mistake or you do not know that the handle has been held by people with flu earlier. When you hold the handle, the bacteria move immediately into the hands of flu and if you hold your mouth or nose, flu germs or bacteria that get into your body.

Worms, Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI), tuberculosis, diarrhea, and even the deadly bird flu (H5N1), swine flu (H1N1) and SARS can be prevented by washing hands properly. Many people underestimate the habit of washing their hands and consider it important. Indeed, hand washing is seen as a trivial thing, but to get used to wash hands properly, your life and your family can be healthier.

Proper Hand Washing time

Generally done just before preparing food, before eating, before and after touching the sick, after handling raw meat, after using the bathroom, after changing diapers or pads, after coughing or sneezing or blowing your nose, after cleaning or taking out the trash, before and after treat the wound, after touching animals or animal waste, after the hands look dirty and others.

We recommend that you teach hand washing habits to your child early on. Children love to learn and touch everything without knowing whether the object is dirty or not. Then put his hand into the mouth or eating without washing hands first. As a result, the child will suffer from the disease. According to research, a disease that kills children in Indonesia is the No. 1 diarrhea, but can be prevented by teaching children to wash their hands early on. Given the importance of hand washing, each dated October 15 was declared Day of Hand Washing Day.

Correct way in Hand Washing

By using soap and under running water is the correct way to wash hands. Steps to good hand washing as follows.
• Wet hands with water under running water or tap
• Use a soapy taste. Better yet, if the soap contains antiseptic
• Rub your palms together slowly
• Rub down to the fingertips
• The palm of the hand rubs the back of his left hand and vice versa. Fingers alternating between left and right hands and rub between your fingers. Do the opposite
• Put your finger back to each other the finger back and criss-cross
• Wipe the right thumb with left palm with a rotary motion. Do the opposite
• Rub your palms with the back of the fingers of one hand with the movement forward, backward and turning. Do the opposite
• Grasp right wrist with his left hand and do the twist. Do the opposite
• Clean your hands with soap with running water
• Dry hands with a tissue. When using the faucet, close the faucet with a tissue so that germs do not stick back on the faucet at hand.

         Drying hands with a tissue better than drying hands with a hand dryer that is generally found in the mall. Because mesing hand dryers are used in general contain bacteria that can spread to others.

Ditulis Oleh : SFArticle // 08.55

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